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Subject List » mountain scenes » Listng for mountain in east asia

Found 367 Image (s)

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Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, important for the  trans-Himalayan migratory birds.

Anna 080641_25

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, important for the  trans-Himalayan migratory birds.

Anna 080641_24

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, important for the  trans-Himalayan migratory birds.

Anna 080641_23

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake.

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Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake.

Anna 080641_19

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake.

Anna 080641_18

Ladakh - prayer flags along the road from Tso-Kar to Tso-Moriri lake

Anna 080641_17

Ladakh - the road from Tso-Kar to Tso-Moriri lake

Anna 080641_14

Ladakh - the road from Tso-Kar to Tso-Moriri lake

Anna 080641_12

Ladakh - the village of Korzok, close to the shore of Tso-Moriri

Anna 080641_10

Ladakh - Tso-Moriri lake

Anna 080641_02

Ladakh - the road to Tso-Kar lake

Anna 080640_31

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