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Subject List » mountain scenes » Listng for mountain in east asia

Found 367 Image (s)

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Ladakh - Tso-Moriri, prayer flags

Anna 080642_36

Ladakh - Tso-Moriri

Anna 080642_34

Ladakh - nomad winter shelter close to Tso-Kar

Anna 080642_28

Ladakh - nomad winter shelter close to Tso-Kar

Anna 080642_27

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, surrounded by white salt deposits that contrast with the blue of the waters.

Anna 080641_36

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, surrounded by white salt deposits that contrast with the blue of the waters.

Anna 080641_35

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, surrounded by white salt deposits that contrast with the blue of the waters.

Anna 080641_34

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake, surrounded by white salt deposits that contrast with the blue of the waters.

Anna 080641_33

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake

Anna 080641_30

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake

Anna 080641_28

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake.

Anna 080641_27

Ladakh - Tso-Kar lake.

Anna 080641_26

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