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Ladakh - Alchi monastery, mural paintimgs of the cortyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_01

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, courtyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_02

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, courtyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_03

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, courtyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_04

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, courtyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_06

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, courtyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_09

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, courtyard of the main temple entrance

Anna 080631_10

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, the carved wooden façade of the Sumtsek

Anna 080631_14

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, wooden carving of the Sumtsek

Anna 080631_16

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, the carved wooden façade of the Sumtsek

Anna 080631_18

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, decorated gateway chörten

Anna 080632_20

Ladakh - Alchi monastery, decorated gateway chörten

Anna 080632_21

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