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Changu Narayan - the main temple dedicated to Garuda Narayana (XVIII c) seen from East, on the right the platform of a destroyed temple.


Changu Narayan - the 'pati ' just before the compound eastern entrance with inside the statues of the  entrance keepers.


Changu Narayan - the bell standing before each side of the main temple.


Changu Narayan - the SW corner of the courtyard with the Laxmi Narayan temple in the background and the small two storied pagoda Kileshwor temple.


Changu Narayan - incomplete statue of elephant beside the small Ganesha shrine (SE side of the courtyard).


Changu Narayan - the East side of the main temple guarded by two griffins.


Changu Narayan - the group of the NW side of the temple courtyard: Vishnu on Garuda, Krishna shrine and Shreedhar Narayan


Changu Narayan - The chariot used in the procession usually stored inside of a shed along the temple courtyard.


Changu Narayan - the NE corner of the courtyard. On the foreground the platform with the stele with Vishnu. Behind a second platform with the stele of Laksmi-Narayana.


Changu Narayan - the East side of the main temple guarded by two griffins.


Changu Narayan - the incomplete elephant statue on the South side of the courtyard.


Changu Narayan - the South side of the main temple guarded by a pair of elephant statues.


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