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Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings)


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings)


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) reclining Buddha statue.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings)


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings)


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) reclining Buddha statue.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) detail of the statue of the reclining Buddha.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) detail of the statue of the reclining Buddha.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) reclining Buddha statue.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) panels of the Mara Parajaya (Defeat of Mara): panel of the Isipatana, details of the assembly receiving the first Buddha sermon.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) panels of the Mara Parajaya (Defeat of Mara): in the second panel Buddha seated in dhyani mudra is tempted by the daughters of Mara.


Dambulla cave temples - Cave 2, Maharaja Vihara (Temple of the Great Kings) detail of the figures below the panels of the Mara Parajaya (Defeat of Mara).


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